While our subsidiaries are separate legal entities, the                  , products, and services provided by these companies are all branded 
 as a part, and the property of SHS Group Holdings, Inc. This site is governed by U. S. laws. Your use of the information on this site constitutes your consent to application of                     such laws, regulations, our                    , our                     , and our                       .                
While our subsidiaries are separate legal entities, the                  , products, and services provided by these companies are all branded 
 as a part, and the property of SHS Group Holdings, Inc. This site is governed by U. S. laws. Your use of the information on this site constitutes your consent to application of                 such laws, regulations, our                    , our                  , and our                                     
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To get the conversation started e-mail me times and dates or call me on my direct-line at 
the number listed below to undertake our initial exploratory discussion.
To get the conversation started e-mail me times and dates or call me on my direct-line at 
the number listed below to undertake our initial exploratory discussion.

We attack our business like we attack life - with a high degree of passion, urgency, and sincerity in helping others. We view our roles as top flight professionals who hold a serious responsibility to add value through providing proven solutions to our clients and always in a timely manner. 
We believe that our Firm can help only those  organizations who truly have the desire to work in partnership with a close knit group of highly refined and knowledgeable professionals to solve their critically important problem. We understand the fundamental principles that drive success in our businesses and most importantly with our  clients.
If your willingness to work closely with and trust our professional experience and judgements, our firm can assist you in moving your situation forward with time-tested programs that assures a successful transition, and ultimately a level of service that  we strive  to  exceed  your  level  of  expectations. 
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.   
Sir Winston Churchill 
(610) 408-0524 ... Direct-Dial

Our approach in all our business dealings throughout all of our business units to practice the highest ethical standards and The Golden Rule. Any other approach we would consider unacceptable and unprofessional  within  our  own  organization  let  alone  conducting ourselves differently  with  our  clients  and  others  outside  the  firm would  be  unthinkable. 
We invite only those individuals who possess not merely a proven tract record of professional success in their careers to join us, but seek those who possess a strong need to help others, along with a true zest for life, and an attitude that they are privileged to have this opportunity we call Life, to make the most of it by striving to play a meaningful role, and to understand our responsibility to contribute to the world  of  business,  our  communities,   our  nation,   and  to  our  friends  and  families.